"A couple months ago, I abandoned all of my social media accounts."

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bronco's Won

I was just thinking today about my mom. She's got it all , a love for everyone and  she's way good at basketball. I broke her pinky finger once while we were playing and yet she still feeds me.

My mom has a heart of gold but she can also be kind of cold. She just turned down a saleswoman who said she could save her a dollar. 

My mom is very patriotic. 
My mom is very charismatic. 
My mom is very classic. 
My mom has had four kids and I'll bet she's had it.
You can retire mom, you've worked hard.
I know without you I wouldn't of made it this far. 


  1. "You can retire mom, you've worked hard."


    i'm going to put this on a coffee mug and give it to my mom for mother's day thanks bro

  2. This is wonderful, moms are great and so are you!
