"A couple months ago, I abandoned all of my social media accounts."

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Foreign Crayons

I remember it like it was yesterday.
The soft calming breeze that came from the bay.
I'm just a little boy in a huge city.
Just a little boy.
Whose passion is riding bikes and playing with every little toy.
I'm just a little boy with  big dreams.
I wanted to grow up because that meant I could walk to the store that was a block or so away.
I wanted to grow up because that meant I could hangout with friends more.
I wanted to grow up.

But little did I know growing up sucks!
There are guidelines society puts on you like tuck your shirt in or wipe your face after you eat.
Screw that!

I want to go back to the days where I didn't care if I had underwear on my head.

We all got a inner kid in us but right now I'm just staring at these crayons...

Saturday, February 27, 2016


I wake up.

It's dark outside but I wouldn't know.
It's cold outside but i don't feel.
My head is still in a different time zone.
I'm telling myself everyday I could've done something different. I could've been soo many things but I'll never know because my head is still stuck in the past.
It's still stuck in the class that I got a B in. It's still stuck in the shots that i didn't take.
But like Michael Jordan once said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

I really wake up.
It's warm outside and I know.
It's light outside and I can tell.
Birds are chirping and people are smiling .
Because everyday I wake up is another opportunity to do something great.
It's another day to accomplish whatever I want.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Confused and Content

Brick-a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building.
That's what a brick is. Now how does this apply to writing? 
We just wrote about love, something that you can't hold in your hand. 
Bricks are the complete opposite. They are real, you can touch them, throw them, do whatever you want with them.
So how is it they mean so much less than love?

There are very few songs on my phone where the word brick is used. 
But i can think of at least 50 songs in my phone that have the word love in them.

I feel I tend to like focusing on things that I don't understand.

 I understand what a brick is so I never gave it much more thought.
But I can't describe to you what love is...

The best parts of life to me are like that. 

The indescribable things or feelings.

Like the feeling of kissing someone for your first time
Catching your first fish.


Have you ever not had a phone while hanging out with others?
In my experience it's awkward, and makes you realize how dependent our world is on phones.

I remember when I was young and I would go to school, come home and then try and round up all the neighbor kids to play a sport or whatever. You guys probably experienced something similar. 

I look outside now and I see NO ONE.
Technology stole our childhood innocence.
Lets get it back!

Saturday, February 13, 2016


I think a lot in the past present and future.
I almost feel as if I'm not here at all sometimes. 
It's just kind of fascinating for me to think about change. 
It's one of those things in life that is either good or bad. 
But without it life would be so boring.
Same schedule, same job, same,same, same.
If you have ever seen the Truman Show then you know how insanely weird it would be to live the same day over and over again. 
Keep changing because it's made you who you are now and will make you be who you want to be.
To change is to grow!

Work Hard, Love Hard

Love is like opening a door and finding eight more behind it.

Love is as confusing as a calculus test.

Love is as hard as a diamond.

And that's what makes love great. It's so hard but yet so easy. It's so confusing but yet so simple. It takes work but provides the greatest reward, the ecstatic feeling that pulses through you like a chainsaw does through wood. The feeling that makes you so happy, fulfilled, and confident. Yeah love is work but it never worked so good.

You know love when it's there, you feel it.
Love is when you would do anything for that person.
You would take a bullet for them because life wouldn't be worth living without them here.
You would do anything to be with them because without them you are nothing.
You would spend your whole life trying to get them because your life isn't whole without them.
You just hope they give that in return...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bronco's Won

I was just thinking today about my mom. She's got it all , a love for everyone and  she's way good at basketball. I broke her pinky finger once while we were playing and yet she still feeds me.

My mom has a heart of gold but she can also be kind of cold. She just turned down a saleswoman who said she could save her a dollar. 

My mom is very patriotic. 
My mom is very charismatic. 
My mom is very classic. 
My mom has had four kids and I'll bet she's had it.
You can retire mom, you've worked hard.
I know without you I wouldn't of made it this far. 

Underneath the Hat

Is it weird that I feel more safe in a hat?
It gives me comfort to walk up for the next at bat.
Life can be difficult but not in my hat.
If you are ever cold, discouraged just put on your cap.
What piece of clothing can describe you more wholesome.
It says where your from,
 what sports you like, and much more.
You can't get that with pants from Juicy Couture.

We live in a world full of judgement.
Put on your cap, have them judge, love it.
New hats is one of the things I covet.

The world isn't always rainbows and sunshine.
Most people say man don't worry about me, I'm fine.
We all have struggles we face in our hats.
Keep waking up for each of your next at bats.